============================================================================ IP Address Setting Tool 6.14.46 ============================================================================ (C) Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. 1999-2012 December 2012 Table of Contents 1. About IP Address Setting Tool 1.1 What is IP Address Setting Tool? 2. System Requirements 2.1 Clients 3. Restrictions on Access to Printers 4. Notes and Restrictions 4.1 Notes about setting IP addresses 4.2 Notes about using a personal firewall 5. Support center and latest information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. About IP Address Setting Tool ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 What is IP Address Setting Tool? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IP Address Setting Tool allows you to setup the IP address of a printer from your computer.This makes it easy to connect a printer to a network in a TCP/IP environment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. System Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Clients ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following operating environment is required for the operation of this service. Hardware - CPU: Pentium 150Mhz or higher PC/AT compatible - Available space on hard disk: at least 4MB - RAM: at least 64MB - Network interface card - Video display: VGA or higher (over 800x600 recommended) - CD-ROM drive Software - OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000 Professional Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional x64 Edition Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Home Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) 64-bit Editions Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 7 Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 7 64-bit Editions Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 8 Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 8 64-bit Editions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Restrictions on Access to Printers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This tool accesses printers via SNMP. SNMP-based access to a printer requires specification of a community name, but this tool has been configured to access printers using the printer's default community name. For information about changing a printer's community name, please refer to your printer's instruction manual, or to the on-line help of CentreWare Internet Services. When you change a printer's community name, you can no longer use this tool to access the printer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Notes and Restrictions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Notes about setting IP addresses When you set a printer's IP address, the tool automatically checks whether the IP address is being used elsewhere. However, if another printer with the same IP address is switched off while you are setting the IP address, you can end up setting a duplicated IP address on the printer. Take care to avoid setting a duplicated IP address. 4.2 Notes about using a personal firewall Some OS and antivirus software have a personal firewall feature. When this feature is set to effective, the network communication necessary for this tool may be interrupted and search of printer/compound machine may fail. Attached firewall on OS is effective by default. By registering the program in the firewall exception list, search function may be enabled. Refer to Help of Windows for how to register in the exception list. When "Internet connectivity firewall" of Windows XP is set to effective, search of printer/compound machine by this tool may fail. In such case, disable the firewall temporarily and try again. Refer to Help of Windows for the setting method. By changing personal firewall settings, search function may be enabled. Refer to Help of antivirus software for the setting method. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Latest information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- About acquisition of the newest product information on CentreWare, or the newestversion of CentreWare Utilities, please refer to the homepage on the Internet. URL http://www.fxap.com.sg/default.jsp . ============================================================================ [Microsoft], [Window],[Windows Vista] are the trademarks and registered trademarks of U.S. Microsoft Corporation in USA and other countries. [Novell], [NetWare], [IntranetWare], and [NDS] are the registered trademarks of U.S. Novell, Inc., and Novel Incorporated Company. Generally all product name and company names are the registered trademarks or trademarks of the company. [XEROX] is a registered trademark. [CentreWare] is a registered trademark.