Alert Info Plug-in

Alert Info Plug-in is a tool for obtaining device notifications.
You can obtain and save device notifications using the Alert Info Plug-in.
Supported text
The following definitions are used in this help when describing text input.
  • English Displays both upper and lower case A to Z.
  • Numbers Displays the numbers 0 to 9.
  • Alphanumeric Displays text containing both the letters and numbers described above.
  • Symbols Displays " ",!,",#,$,%,&,',(,),*,+,",",-,".",/,":",";",<,=,>,?,@,[,\,],^,"_",`,{,|,}, and ~.
  • ASCII characters Displays text containing both the alphanumeric and symbols described above.
  • 1-byte characters Displays text containing both the ASCII characters and 8-bit katakana described above.
  • 8-bit characters Displays the same text as the 1-byte text described above.
  • 16-bit characters Displays 16-bit Chinese characters (Kanji), hiragana, 16-bit katakana, and 16-bit symbols. 8-bit characters are not included.