Device Setting Plug-in

The Device Setting Plug-in is a tool for displaying and changing the device user environment.
When printing these settings may be overridden by settings in the printer driver, e.g. paper size, number of copies etc.
You can make the following device settings and operations using Device Setting Plug-in.
When this plug-in is used, the device must be placed on-line.
Information about a device in the off-line state (printing data or with an error) or performing a function cannot be displayed or changed.

Supported text
The following definitions are used in this help when describing text input.

  • English Displays both upper and lower case A to Z.
  • Lower case English Displays lower case a to z.
  • Numbers Displays the numbers 0 to 9.
  • Alphanumeric Displays text containing both the letters and numbers described above.
  • Symbols Displays " ",!,",#,$,%,&,',(,),*,+,",",-,".",/,":",";",<,=,>,?,@,[,\,],^,"_",`,{,|,}, and ~.
  • ASCII characters Displays text containing both the alphanumeric and symbols described above.
  • 1-byte characters Displays text containing both the ASCII characters and 8-bit katakana described above.
  • 8-bit characters Displays the same text as the 1-byte text described above.
  • 16-bit characters Displays 16-bit Chinese characters (Kanji), hiragana, 16-bit katakana, and 16-bit symbols. 8-bit characters are not included.