Displays a custom message box and returns the user's response (which button was pressed) in the exit code. The syntax of this command is: MessageBox.exe /C:caption /M:message [/W:seconds] [/T:type] [/T:?] /C: specifies the caption to display in the title bar. /M: specifies the message to display to the user. /W: number of seconds to wait before timing out (optional). /T: specifies the type of icon and buttons (optional). /T:? Displays extended help for /T: options and return codes. All occurrences of \\n will be converted to a new-line character. All occurrences of \\t will be converted to a tab character. /? displays this syntax and always returns 0. /T:? displays extended syntax and always returns 0. Success returns a non-zero value, zero indicates a failure. Copyright ©1999-2003 Marty List, Marty@OptimumX.com The number following the /T: switch in MessageBox.exe specifies the contents and behavior of the dialog box. This parameter can be a combination of flags from the following groups. As an example, to display the Yes, No and Cancel buttons, add 3. To show a yellow exclamation icon add 48. To make 'Cancel' the default button, add 512. Like this /T:563 (3+48+512=563) Buttons to display 0 Display OK button only. 1 Display OK and Cancel buttons. 2 Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. 3 Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. 4 Display Yes and No buttons. 5 Display Retry and Cancel buttons. Icon to display 16 Stop symbol 32 Question mark 48 Exclamation mark 64 Information symbol Default button 0 First button is default. 256 Second button is default. 512 Third button is default. Modality 0 Application-modal. The user must respond to the message box before continuing work in the application. 4096 System-modal. All applications are suspended until the user responds to the message box. Return Codes 0 There was an error or the user did not respond within the specified time-out period. 1 OK button selected. 2 Cancel button selected. 3 Abort button selected. 4 Retry button selected. 5 Ignore button selected. 6 Yes button selected. 7 No button selected. ================================================================== System Requirements: Windows XP; Windows 2000; Windows NT Windows ME; Windows 98; Windows 95 Revision History: 1.10 03/06/2003 Fixed bug with leading \t and \n in message. Fixed bug with consecutive backslashes in message. Added support for the /T:? switch. 1.00 01/29/2000 Initial release.